But The Fire Is So Delightful… (Friday Fictioneers)

“I’m cold.”

“So stand closer to the flames.”

“Are you serious?”

“We’re going to be here awhile. No sense catching a chill.”

“They told us to stay back.”

She stared through me. “Perhaps you can sit in the ambulance. Go ask someone.” She turned back to the blaze.

I clutched the blanket from the EMTs and marched away, each step crunching in the snow.


Months later, we developed film from a camera that survived the fire. On the table, next to the candles Mother would later light, was the tabby.

I told her that cat was up to no good.

(C) Scott L. Vannatter

(C) Scott L. Vannatter









The delightful word-smith Rochelle Wisoff-Fields hosts Friday Fictioneers, a weekly flash fiction challenge beginning with a photo prompt and a 100-word limit to craft a complete story. Check it out and join the fun!

As always, happy trails!

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